Service Times: 11:00am Family Service (1st Sunday of the month), Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sundays), Morning Worship (3rd Sunday) and Mattins (trad) (5th Sunday) and 6.00pm Evening Prayer (trad).
We also have a FACEBOOK page for Madron, Heamoor and Gulval churches. https://www.facebook.com/groups/223018019078400
Child-friendly Services
Family Service at 11am on the first Sunday of the month, plus particularly child-friendly occasions to be found on the relevant web page (see Benefice Services). We have an area on the north side with colouring books and other books.
For safe-guarding, please contact a member of the PCC.
The Parish Church at Madron is a grade 1 Listed building and was consecrated in 1336, it has a closed graveyard which is maintained primarily by the County Council, but also a team of hard-working volunteers, the roof was re slated in 2003/4 and a new bell frame and bell restoration in 2005, there are eight bells and a good happy band of Ringers who do their best to ring for every service and practice on Monday evenings.
Opening Times: The church is usually open on Friday mornings between 10:00am and 11am (best to check with Caroline that it will be open to avoid disappointment). From June to September we are also open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons between 2:00pm and 4:00pm.
General enquiries can be made to our Priest in Charge Revd Chris Butler mhgchurches@gmail.com, Associate Priest, Jo Thomas on 07779 785962 or josophiet@aol.com or our churchwarden Caroline Somers caroline.somers312@btinternet.com
Parking is available on ‘Madron Green’, a tarmaced area west of the churchyard and main (north) entrance. Hard by the lychgate, there is a gate that gives level and step-free access for wheelchairs, buggies etc via the south porch. As this is only open for services, a gravel path takes visitors around to the north door, which is our main entrance, and only entrance during the week. Using this path is better than walking along a busy minor road.
Hall Booking
We have a hall in Heamoor, attached to St Thomas Church, which is available for regular bookings at only £10 per session. Ring or email Caroline ( 01736 369123 or caroline.somers312@btinternet.com) to make an appointment to look at what’s on offer by way of toilets and kitchen facilities.
Social events can be seen on the Events page
Madron Ringers Thrifty Club – members pay £1 per month or £12 per year, raising church funds and a chance to win one of 3 prizes a month. For more information, phone Theresa Pritchard 01736 364164
Building and other Projects November 2023 We have had no further progress on getting the large east window repaired – it seems that buildings in a worse condition have been getting the grants, which is only fair.
We have now converted our composting toilet into a conventional toilet. See the ‘Links’ under ‘Media’ for the report from the archaeologist. It details the discovery of a large slab grave on the route of the pipe from the toilet to connect with the sewer near the north gate. Madron Church has a well-used kitchen area and the building has modern gas central heating with new boiler upgrade 2021.
3D Tour of Madron Parish Church
** Giving to the church. If you wish to donate to our church, the link to our giving page is:
PCC members
Caroline Somers (Churchwarden) – email: caroline.somers312@btinternet.com
Theresa Pritchard (Lay chair)
Andy Freeman (Secretary) – email: andyfreeman313@gmail.com
Terry Jackson (Treasurer)
Rev’d Jo Thomas – email: josophiet@aol.com
Rev’d Peter Butterfield
Rev’d Howard Peskett
Kay Short (Health & Safety)
Jennifer Eddy
Bridgit England (Creation Care Champion)
Kate Gottschling
Colin Mantripp